Sunday, August 24, 2008

30 days

In 30 days I will celebrate my 15th wedding anniversary with this wonderful man. For as long as I can remember we planned on going away for a nice romantic weekend just the two of us. We didn't know where we were going to go we just knew we were going somewhere. Then something changed all that. The kids! With Jacob playing football and having games on Saturday those plans flew out the window. Neither one of us is willing to miss Jacob's game, which also includes Kayley cheering later in the day and Grant's baseball game somewhere in the mix. So we'll probably end up at a nice dinner the night of our anniversary and maybe just maybe we can sneak away for the day on Sunday just the two of us. My goal now is to get away for a weekend sometime this winter when the kids have a lull between sports. (if there is a lull!)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

There's a thief in my house

To the left you see a picture of sweet innocent 68lb bulldog. Everyone who meets him loves him. He'll sit there and paw at you and give you these eyes that make you think he's the sweetest thing on the planet. But don't let that face fool you. This boy is a thief. Here he is caught red handed with one of Grant's wiffle balls. Niles has managed to chew up at least 10 of them. He has also in the past month chewed up 2 baseballs and a baseball hat. If Grant has a ball in his hand Niles trys to get it. He doesn't want to run, chase it and bring it back to you. He wants to take it from you go lay on his bead and chew it up. He doesn't mess with anything else just baseball stuff. He must love the sport as much as Grant. So here is your warning should you see this lovely creature in your neighborhood hide your baseball gear because he's liable to get it from you.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The weather

What the heck is the deal with this freakin weather? I expect August to be hot and to have outrageous electric bills. But now to add insult to injury we have humidity. And it's not a little bit of humidity it's alot. The boys wanted to walk to school yesterday which we did but i was sweating like crazy when we got there. Then I had to still walk back home. I swear if I didn't know better i'd think I was back in the D.C. area. I remember this weather. I experienced it one year when I visited in July. I experienced it when my cousin got married there one August. Eddie agreed and did mention at least there isn't enough humidity that it's raining that would really suck! All I know is I can't wait for Fall to hurry up and get here!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and here is a picture of the sky I took the another night. Eddie said it reminded him of the sky on a hot humid night in the midwest, not here.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Stupid Yellow Bug

Okay, I warned you i'll bitch here and here it goes. It was a minimum day today at school. I dropped the boys this morning and never left the school. Worked on a bunch of paperwork I needed to get done plus Beth was there to help me. That alone means stuff takes longer because her and I bullshit too much, but i'm not complainging about that. :) So needless to say where I was parked was not where I wanted to be parked to leave the school when the boys got out. All the cars would be lined up right next to me making it impossible to get out. I finally am able to inch my way out and this BITCH in a yellow bug starts trying to play chicken with me. Um, hello, I drive an Excursion, i'll drive over your yellow bug. She looks at me like i've committed a crime, you know the one of trying to merge into traffic. Of course i'm on the phone with a friend and I want to yell stupid bitch but was afraid my friend would think I was talking to her and be offended. Plus the boys were in the car. So how did I get back at the "stupid yellow bug" I let 2 other parents who were trying to merge just like me in front of me. I win!! HAHA! Shouldn't have tried to play chicken with me. Of course I will add that traffic around the school has always been bad and the patience of drivers just as bad but it is 100 times worse this year since they started charging to ride the school bus. There are so many parents it's ridiculous. As soon as the weather cools down, we are walking, i'm not dealing with this anymore!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Olympics

What is it about these games? Why am I so addicted? I was never much of a swimmer yet I LOVE to watch the swimming events. I am routing for Michael Phelps like he's related to me. I cry when I see his Mom cry. I'm such a dope. LOL! The beach volleyball is awesome. Julie and I discussed it this weekend. Volleyball is hard on pavement can you imagine it on sand? And like Julie said "I have a hard enough time walking in sand" I couldn't agree more.

And what about that little Chinese boy that walked in the opening ceremonies with Yao Ming. His story made me cry. How 2/3rd's of his classmates died in the earthquake and how he went back in and rescued 2 of them because he was the hall monitor he was supposed to watch out for them. WOW! To me he's something i'll never forget about these games. It doesn't matter to me how many Gold medals anyone wins. He's the biggest winner of these games.

I guess it's something about these Olympics that brings out something in all of us. Here we all our routing for our Country. Doesn't matter what your political views are you just want to see the U.S. win.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Common Courtesy

What happened to common courtesy? I really don't think it exsists anymore. People can be flat rude. Today we had a guy cut us off trying to pick up Kayley at school. Went straight from a right hand turn lane. Luckily Eddie looked or he would have creamed us. He looked at us like we were idiots then stopped right in the middle of the street and the lane he shouldn't have been in. Gotta love it. Picking up your kids from school is almost a dangerous sport. Parents don't care they have one thing on their mind getting their kids and getting out of that parking lot. I can't count the number of times I've almost been run down. It's almost shocking when a parent stops for you to cross in the crosswalk or to let you in the lane. That is a rare day. I always tell the kids please when you drive don't be like these people. Show a little.....common courtesy!!

My Blog

I decided to start a seperate blog where I can post random thoughts, sound off, add pictures, etc that aren't on my family blog. I'll try to stay on top of this one too.

Stay tuned.....................