Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Common Courtesy

What happened to common courtesy? I really don't think it exsists anymore. People can be flat rude. Today we had a guy cut us off trying to pick up Kayley at school. Went straight from a right hand turn lane. Luckily Eddie looked or he would have creamed us. He looked at us like we were idiots then stopped right in the middle of the street and the lane he shouldn't have been in. Gotta love it. Picking up your kids from school is almost a dangerous sport. Parents don't care they have one thing on their mind getting their kids and getting out of that parking lot. I can't count the number of times I've almost been run down. It's almost shocking when a parent stops for you to cross in the crosswalk or to let you in the lane. That is a rare day. I always tell the kids please when you drive don't be like these people. Show a little.....common courtesy!!

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